JavaScript hoisting is a concept that often confuses developers, especially those new to the language. Understanding hoisting is crucial for writing clean, bug-free code.

This article aims to demystify JavaScript hoisting and provide you with strategies to avoid common pitfalls.

Understanding JavaScript Hoisting

In JavaScript, hoisting refers to the behavior where variable and function declarations are moved, or “hoisted,” to the top of their containing scope during compilation.

However, only the declarations are hoisted, not the initializations. This can lead to unexpected results if you’re not careful.

console.log(a); // undefined
var a = 5;
console.log(a); // 5

In the above example, the variable a is hoisted, but its initialization with the value 5 is not. This is why the first console.log(a) outputs undefined.

Variable Hoisting

var, let, and const

The var keyword is function-scoped and is hoisted to the top of the function or global scope. On the other hand, let and const are block-scoped and are not hoisted in the same way.

During the compilation phase, JavaScript automatically assigns an initial value of ‘undefined’ to variables that have been declared but not explicitly initialized.

This initialization process takes place while the code is being scanned, and it ensures that the necessary memory allocation for the variables is prepared.

console.log(myVar); // Output: undefined
var myVar = 10;

function exampleFunction() {
  console.log(b); // ReferenceError
  let b = 10;

Strategies to Avoid Variable Hoisting Issues

  1. Always Declare Variables at the Top: This makes it easier to track variables and avoids accidental hoisting.
  2. Use let and const: These are block-scoped and less prone to hoisting issues.
  3. Initialize Variables: Always initialize variables when you declare them to avoid undefined values.

Function Hoisting

Function declarations are hoisted, but function expressions are not.

hoistedFunction(); // Outputs: "I am hoisted"
function hoistedFunction() {
  console.log("I am hoisted");

notHoistedFunction(); // TypeError
var notHoistedFunction = function() {
  console.log("I am not hoisted");

Strategies to Avoid Function Hoisting Issues

  1. Use Function Expressions: This ensures that the function is not hoisted and avoids unexpected behavior.
  2. Declare Functions at the Top: Similar to variables, declaring functions at the top of the scope makes the code easier to understand.

Hoisting differs for var, let, and const

In the compilation phase, ‘var’ declared variables undergo JavaScript hoisting, a process that moves them to the upper of their respective scopes.

Nevertheless, there is a noteworthy differentiation for variables declared with const and let regarding hoisting.

While they are hoisted, they do not receive an automatic initialization to undefined. Instead, they enter what’s known as the “temporal dead zone” until their actual declarations are encountered in the code.

During this period, any attempt to access these variables will result in a reference error. It is only after the variables’ declarations that they become accessible and usable within their respective scopes.

Best Practices for Bug-Free Code

Emphasizing variable declarations at the outset of their scope is considered a best practice, even though JavaScript permits hoisting. By adhering to this practice, developers can enhance code clarity and minimize confusion during code execution.

  1. Understand Scope: Knowing the difference between global scope, function scope, and block scope can save you from hoisting issues.
  2. Lint Your Code: Tools like ESLint can catch hoisting issues before they become a problem.
  3. Code Reviews: Having another set of eyes look at your code can help identify potential hoisting pitfalls.

4. Use Let and Const

The advent of block-scoped variables with the introduction of let and const in contemporary JavaScript hoisting has significantly reduced the necessity for hoisting.

It is highly recommended to leverage let and const whenever applicable, as they offer a clear and explicit definition of variable scope.

5. Declare Functions Before Use

Although functions can be called before their declaration, it is good practice to define them at the beginning of the code or within their relevant scope.

This enhances code readability and avoids potential issues with JavaScript hoisting.

6. Be Mindful of Function Expressions

Function expressions do not undergo hoisting, in contrast to function declarations. Be cautious when using function expressions, especially when referencing them before their declaration in the code.

7. Stay Updated

JavaScript is constantly evolving, and newer ECMAScript versions might bring changes to hoisting behavior.

As a professional developer, it’s crucial to stay updated with the latest language specifications and best practices.


JavaScript hoisting may appear daunting initially, but understanding this concept is essential for every professional developer.

Embracing hoisting empowers developers to write clean, optimized code that avoids potential pitfalls.

By following best practices and staying mindful of hoisting’s nuances, JavaScript developers can confidently harness this feature to their advantage and produce reliable and efficient code.

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